Schools and COVID-19

Schools and COVID-19
How 3D Issue can help schools during coronavirus Coronavirus has had a disruptive impact on every organization. We want to do our bit to help schools get back on track.  We’d be ...

2 minute read

EPUB Vs Mobi: What Is The Difference?

EPUB Vs Mobi: What Is The Difference?
As the popularity of eBooks has grown, different eBook formats have emerged including EPUB, MOBI, AZW and PDF eBooks. Confusing? It can certainly be difficult to understand the differences and to ...

5 minute read

HTML5 Benefits for Sales and Marketing

HTML5 Benefits for Sales and Marketing
What is HTML5? HTML5 - the most recent version of Hypertext Markup Language - plays a key role in defining the appearance of web pages. Adobe Flash is being retired completely in 2020, with flawed ...

4 minute read

Customer Success Stories with 3D Issue: ‘QTALK’ and their Experience Expanding their Products by Going Digital

Customer Success Stories with 3D Issue:  ‘QTALK’ and their Experience Expanding their Products by Going Digital
What is QTalk? QTalk is a language learning method based on a series of icons which can be used to interpret full sentences that may be complex to understand in another language. It contains visual ...

3 minute read

10 Ways Digital Publications Can Help You Generate Revenue

10 Ways Digital Publications Can Help You Generate Revenue
Can I help my business generate more revenue through the use of digital Publications? The answer is yes but it depends on the publishing software you choose.  The majority of us need to find a...

5 minute read

Introducing Flipbooks Online

Introducing Flipbooks Online
How would you feel if you could access your Flipbooks software from anywhere and convert and publish your digital magazines in a tenth of the time that it takes with your desktop software? ...

6 minute read

Online Magazine Design Best Practices

Online Magazine Design Best Practices
It is important to decide how you will present your content, who will it target and how. When designing your magazine there is no simple checklist that can define good design, but there are some ...

3 minute read

3 Top Tips to get more Digital Magazine Subscriptions

3 Top Tips to get more Digital Magazine Subscriptions
1. Statistics When looking at increasing your digital magazine subscriptions, take a look at your existing subscribers. How did they find you initially? There are a few different things that ...

4 minute read

Time to Look for an Alternative to Flash in Digital Publishing

Time to Look for an Alternative to Flash in Digital Publishing
Right now you might be wondering: "Why do I need to find an alternative to flash?" Well, this is the situation... Flash’s lifespan has nearly come to an end. Flash has been the basis of numerous ...

3 minute read

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