Digital Magazine Advantages You Can Utilize

Digital Magazine Advantages You Can Utilize
It is in no way an exaggeration to say that the world at large has gone mobile. The adoption rates, penetration and overall influence the smartphone now has on millions of lives across the world, all ...

3 minute read

Why Rich-Media Content is Essential to your Marketing

Why Rich-Media Content is Essential to your Marketing
The world would be a very boring place if we were all the same; we would be deprived of individual’s brilliance, personality, humor, ideas and idiosyncrasies. Why then should all content be the ...

7 minute read

EPUB3, HTML5 or Apps – What is the Future of eBook Publishing?

EPUB3, HTML5 or Apps – What is the Future of eBook Publishing?
Publishers and eBook stores have been facing something of a quandary recently; the subject in question has been the future of digital publishing. The bone of contention seems to be finding a method of...

4 minute read

Convert XML to HTML5 in 8 easy Steps Using content hubs

Convert XML to HTML5 in 8 easy Steps Using content hubs
XML - Short for Extensible Markup Language, a specification developed by the W3C. XML is a pared-down version of SGML, designed especially for Web documents. It allows designers to create their own ...

3 minute read

Reasons to Create an Interactive PDF

Reasons to Create an Interactive PDF
3D Issue offers many features which are major time savers for publishers. One of these features is the auto detection of some elements already in place in your PDF content. In this blog post we shall ...

4 minute read

5 Easy Magazine Marketing Ideas

5 Easy Magazine Marketing Ideas
The fundamental thing all businesses need is customers. To market a magazine to new and existing customers you can use a variety of channels. Try to market the general interests of the magazine in the...

4 minute read

Digital Publishing Industry: How Technology is Rapidly Changing It

Digital Publishing Industry: How Technology is Rapidly Changing It
These days merely having a good digital publication is no longer enough to be successful in the publishing business. Thus, the introduction of new technology has produced important changes; which in ...

2 minute read

Essential Features of E-Magazine Software?

Essential Features of E-Magazine Software?
When it comes to digital publishing there are a number of points which one should bear in mind in the implementation of their conversion software. At 3D issue we consider it crucial to always design ...

1 minute read

E-Books vs Print Books

E-Books vs Print Books
Following on from our article last week eBook Market Share , here we look at E-books vs print books. It has been well documented that E-books have grown in popularity significantly over the last ...

1 minute read

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