Remote working to attract more tech employees to Donegal

Remote working to attract more tech employees to Donegal
Kate Heaney, Donegal News  The founder of a Letterkenny software company believes more and more tech employees will return to places like Donegal to work remotely now that working from home has ...

3 minute read

A new way to create responsive content

A new way to create responsive content
Responsive digital publications auto-reshape to suit the reader’s device. To craft one, in the past, you would need a designer to create the look and feel of the publication for each device - ...

4 minute read

“A 20% pay-rise or Fridays off?”

“A 20% pay-rise or Fridays off?”
Isla McGuckin, Marketing Manager at 3D Issue A few weeks into my new job, at 3D Issue, this wasn't a conversation I expected to be having with my boss. To support my husband’s ...

3 minute read

Making publications accessible for people with disabilities

Making publications accessible for people with disabilities
Law since 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was implemented to ensure accessibility for all. With significant technological advancements being made since the law’s introduction, it now...

3 minute read

#WhenWeTravelAgain – How to create mobile-friendly travel guides

#WhenWeTravelAgain – How to create mobile-friendly travel guides
As lockdowns gradually start to lift, country by country, people’s thoughts are tentatively turning towards travel.  “As infections start to go down and more people get vaccinated, we are ...

3 minute read

Digital Flipbooks vs Responsive, Mobile-First Publications 

Digital Flipbooks vs Responsive, Mobile-First Publications 
Flipbooks are a long-established digital publishing tool. They replicate online the real-world experience of their printed counterparts, things like brochures, newspapers and books. Flipbooks can be ...

4 minute read

10 things you should know about a 4-day week

10 things you should know about a 4-day week
The traditional working landscape is changing. Companies are exploring 4 day work weeks to increase the happiness of incumbent staff members and to attract new ones. Because, over the last 12 months, ...

9 minute read

The importance of video in content marketing

The importance of video in content marketing
Discover the reasons to include video in your content marketing plans   “Video on landing pages is capable of increasing conversion rates by over 80%, and the mere mention of the word “video”...

3 minute read

Guess what? Flipbooks V11 is all wrapped-up!

Guess what? Flipbooks V11 is all wrapped-up!
We’re happy to announce the release of Version 11 of our Flipbooks software with tons of updates, new features and enhancements.  A brand new feature is bundled animations. You can now directly ...

2 minute read

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