10 Key Benefits of Going Digital for your Profit Margins

10 Key Benefits of Going Digital for your Profit Margins
If you have printed a brochure, newsletter or magazine the benefits of now going digital and creating an online version can reap you many advantages. With a digital publishing software you can ...

3 minute read

How to Make Brochures You Can Share Online Effectively

How to Make Brochures You Can Share Online Effectively
If you have products and services to showcase then making a brochure that can make your business flourish should be high on your marketing list. The age old product catalog or brochure is still a ...

3 minute read

Top Current Digital Magazine Publishing Trends

Top Current Digital Magazine Publishing Trends
Magazines are now widely available through online means in response to digital trends. Having your magazine emailed to you through a link is undoubtedly handy. Or how about through an app? So you ...

3 minute read

How to Use a Page Flip Newsletter Effectively for Marketing

How to Use a Page Flip Newsletter Effectively for Marketing
Sending your news to your organization or customer base can now be achieved through an online page flip newsletter. These correspondences can be weekly, monthly, quarterly and so on. They also can be ...

2 minute read

Why Rich-Media Content is Essential to your Marketing

Why Rich-Media Content is Essential to your Marketing
The world would be a very boring place if we were all the same; we would be deprived of individual’s brilliance, personality, humor, ideas and idiosyncrasies. Why then should all content be the ...

7 minute read

Convert XML to HTML5 in 8 easy Steps Using content hubs

Convert XML to HTML5 in 8 easy Steps Using content hubs
XML - Short for Extensible Markup Language, a specification developed by the W3C. XML is a pared-down version of SGML, designed especially for Web documents. It allows designers to create their own ...

3 minute read

10 Mobile App Marketing Ideas

10 Mobile App Marketing Ideas
In business, you have to position yourself where the consumer is; you have to be where they are, the consumer must be able to access your content and services with consummate ease. So where is the ...

5 minute read

Digital Distribution Channels for your Marketing Content

Digital Distribution Channels for your Marketing Content
Content is king. How many times have we heard that? While this is true, great content is only as good as the methods that are utilized to deliver it. Think of it this way, you might have the best ...

4 minute read

How to Increase your Online Magazine’s Subscriptions

How to Increase your Online Magazine’s Subscriptions
There aren’t too many publications that aren’t utilizing the inherent power of the internet by the establishment and maintenance of an online presence, if there is they really should start to ...

7 minute read

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