Convert PDF to HTML5 iPad Magazine in 5 Easy Steps

Convert PDF to HTML5 iPad Magazine in 5 Easy Steps
Converting your PDFs into HTML5 in order to create iPad magazines can be a simple and worthwhile experience following the right procedures. This blog post provides you with a step by step procedure on...

2 minute read

PDF to iBooks: part 1 of How to publish your content to iBooks

PDF to iBooks: part 1 of How to publish your content to iBooks
The publishing world is all a buzz with the rise in eBooks. Apple's latest major update to its iBooks application gives it a cleaner and simpler look in line with the company's design for the iOS 7 ...

4 minute read

eBook vs PDF – Which One Do You Need?

eBook vs PDF – Which One Do You Need?
The title for today’s blog is one which is frequently raised when either format is mentioned, what is the difference between the two formats people ask? Which one do I need? Since this topic is such...

2 minute read

Digital Magazine Advantages You Can Utilize

Digital Magazine Advantages You Can Utilize
It is in no way an exaggeration to say that the world at large has gone mobile. The adoption rates, penetration and overall influence the smartphone now has on millions of lives across the world, all ...

3 minute read

Convert XML to HTML5 in 8 easy Steps Using content hubs

Convert XML to HTML5 in 8 easy Steps Using content hubs
XML - Short for Extensible Markup Language, a specification developed by the W3C. XML is a pared-down version of SGML, designed especially for Web documents. It allows designers to create their own ...

3 minute read

10 Mobile App Marketing Ideas

10 Mobile App Marketing Ideas
In business, you have to position yourself where the consumer is; you have to be where they are, the consumer must be able to access your content and services with consummate ease. So where is the ...

5 minute read

How to Increase your Online Magazine’s Subscriptions

How to Increase your Online Magazine’s Subscriptions
There aren’t too many publications that aren’t utilizing the inherent power of the internet by the establishment and maintenance of an online presence, if there is they really should start to ...

7 minute read

Build a Strong Alumni Engagement Strategy

Build a Strong Alumni Engagement Strategy
An essential measure of the strength of a school is its Alumni. Schools with healthy Alumni involvement and support add immeasurable benefits to an institution, from admissions and development to ...

3 minute read

5 Easy Magazine Marketing Ideas

5 Easy Magazine Marketing Ideas
The fundamental thing all businesses need is customers. To market a magazine to new and existing customers you can use a variety of channels. Try to market the general interests of the magazine in the...

4 minute read

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