PDF to Digital Magazine for iPads, iPhone and Android devices

PDF to Digital Magazine for iPads, iPhone and Android devices
One of the greatest advantages of digital publishing is the possibility to reach a wide audience in different platforms. If you are considering which platforms will work best for you and the ...

3 minute read

5 Secrets to Content Writing You Need to Know

5 Secrets to Content Writing You Need to Know
Every website requires different content. It's our job as business people to know how to use certain content to our advantage. Content writing for a business is so important because it gets the word ...

4 minute read

How to Analyze your Digital Magazine Reader Statistics

How to Analyze your Digital Magazine Reader Statistics
Once your digital magazine is online and published it’s vital that you look into the stats and track how successful the edition is. How is the publication performing? Is it attracting the right ...

5 minute read

A Summary of E-Publishing Formats

A Summary of E-Publishing Formats
As many move into the e-publishing space there are some initial questions and decisions that publishers need to make, one of these areas is the format of the digital edition. Here in this post, we ...

3 minute read

A Tutorial in Digital Publishing with HTML5

A Tutorial in Digital Publishing with HTML5
In this blog we will address the key features of HTML5, its differences from HTML4 and why it is important in the modern, current-day publishing world. Let’s start today’s blog with a question...

4 minute read

How to Embed YouTube Videos in Your Digital Magazine

How to Embed YouTube Videos in Your Digital Magazine
3D Issue has a number of features which, when used correctly, can provide quite substantial time saving in your digital publication creation, and also for Search Engine Optimization. 3D Issue online ...

3 minute read

Magazine Creation, Design & Distribution

Magazine Creation, Design & Distribution
Today’s blog will deliver points to consider for digital magazine creation, design and distribution using 3D Issue digital publishing software. We are all familiar with the traditional printed ...

4 minute read

How to Make a Digital Brochure In 3 Easy Steps

How to Make a Digital Brochure In 3 Easy Steps
Creating a digital brochure is a simple yet effective marketing tool that can help increase your online sales and put you ahead of your competition. Make a digital brochure by following these 3 ...

2 minute read

Create Digital Newsletters for Marketing Purposes

Create Digital Newsletters for Marketing Purposes
Our marketing efforts inevitably should enable us to attract more clients. In today’s blog, I will share valuable information of interest to business owners on creating newsletters and what is ...

2 minute read

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