Want to make a profit from your online magazine?

online magazineNowadays, online magazines are growing in popularity and as a result there are more opportunities than ever to make a profit.  This blog deals with the key steps to consider in how to make a profit from your online magazine.

1. Planning: Firstly, it is essential to establish your short, medium and long term objectives based on a challenging but yet realistic course of action. One of the best ways to start planning is getting updated information on the digital publishing sector from reliable sources to have a clear panorama on the benefits you can expect as well as the pitfalls to avoid.

2. Distribution: Make sure that your online magazine can reach as wide an audience as possible.  It is very important to provide access to your digital publication to readers using different devices. Currently, there is a growing trend of readers viewing publications via tablets and mobile devices. Take the new trends into account to select your distribution channels.

3. Security Options & Subscriptions:  It is also necessary to discuss your security options with your IT department and establish the most effective subscription management for your publication. It is also relevant to find out if your online magazine can be integrated with your chosen subscription management system.

publishing a magazine

4. Evaluation: Google Analytics can provide you with updated tracking on your magazine’s performance. This information is vital to have a better understanding of your audience’s preferences and in this way you can focus on creating a profitable digital publication.

5. SEO: Likewise, it is also extremely important to work closely with your marketing department to use the right words in your SEO section as this can allow your audience to find your publication easily and quickly.

If you have any comments or doubts on this topic, please e-mail us at sales@3dissue.com

Image from the nice folks here!

By 3D Issue