Online Digital Publishing – What You Need To Know

Online publishing has changed the world. And that’s no exaggeration. Just look at the exponential rise of things like newspapers, magazines and books in digital form. 

But then the world, in turn, has changed online publishing. 

Readers are increasingly mobile-first

Between 2008 and 2015, the consumption of digital media on mobile rocketed from 18 minutes to almost 3 hours per day. Fast-forward to 2019 and, for the first time ever, US consumers spent more time – nudging 4 hours – on mobile devices than watching TV. 

And digital publishing platforms – like Flipbooks, for example, that were created as a desktop reading solution – have had to evolve or become increasingly irrelevant. Distracted and time-poor readers, who are likely to be consuming content on-the-go, are unwilling to persevere with content that hasn’t been optimised for mobile. 

Online Digital Publishing


Back-to-basics – but what are Flipbooks?

Flipbooks are publications that have been digitised for online reading by uploading the PDFs of their pages onto an online publishing platform. They’ve not only replaced paper-based documents – like reports, presentations and catalogues – but also the digital PDF versions of those documents. 

Being able to flick between the digital publications’ pages gives readers a sense of familiarity. While adding interactive features – more on those later – gives readers a sense of freshness, too.

The pros of digital publishing – for publishers and readers, alike – are many. But a key one? By eliminating printing, content can be shared globally with hugely reduced production and distribution costs and significant environmental benefits. 

Digital publications for every device

Flipbooks are a great way for companies to deliver the content that their readers need, optimised for the devices that they’re using. The benefits of Flipbooks for your business are endless.   

  • Choose between self-hosting – and publish directly to your own website – or cloud-hosting through your service provider’s web-based solution. Moments after uploading your PDFs, your digital publications will be ready for sharing on social media, through email campaigns or even on your own website. 
  • Wow readers with different layouts and interactive features like e-commerce, videos and image galleries. Add your own logos, backgrounds and colour schemes to match your company’s branding. Up-to-date software can automatically detect things like hyperlinks and jump-to-pages to place a hotspot on top of them for you. 
  • Flipbooks created on online platforms can be viewed on any device. They’ll be automatically optimised for the screen’s resolution whether desktop, tablet or mobile. Mobile-optimised tech has smooth page transitions, fast loading speeds and flawless pinch-to-zoom giving readers the same rich experience as desktop. Some providers even offer free and unbranded Flipbooks viewer apps to distribute publications to your mobile audience allowing them to view in a native iOS and Android app and to download and view offline. 
  • Integration with Google Analytics allows you to gain key audience insights. 
  • Check out your supplier’s White Label/API Ready options, too. They can be a handy way for your business to add new revenue streams. Why not take a look at our guide: How to create your own digital publishing platform?  

It’s not about the technology – it’s about the problems it solves in the world

We couldn’t agree more with Mastercard’s Amy Neale. 

We launched the first iteration of our software more than ten years ago and have been refining it – and ensuring its relevance – ever since. 
Click to discover more about our Flipbooks range or contact our knowledgeable and friendly team, today.